Medical Mary’s Superfood is here

We’d like to introduce the most powerful, game-changing CBD product on the market: Medical Mary Superfood!

Our Superfood is a one-of-a-kind proprietary green blend of healthful organic ingredients from around the globe. On top of all that goodness, we infuse our Superfood with pure CBD, making it the most complete nutritional supplement you can ever want or need.

What are Superfoods?

You’ve probably heard about superfoods in the news. So what are they exactly? Superfoods are mostly plant-based foods that are uncommonly nutritious. They’re known to promote overall wellness and targeted enhancement for specific physiological processes such as gut health, immune system function, heart health, cognitive function. Take blueberries, for example. They contain flavonoid, which some studies show help skin and bone quality and reduce the risk of heart conditions in certain populations. Dark green vegetables like broccoli is another. Broccoli is absolutely loaded with vitamins A, K, and C, all important for your body’s daily operations.

The take away here is it’s a very good idea to include as many superfoods in your diet as possible.

Why our Superfood?

Many reasons! For, one we make getting superfoods into your daily diet super easy by combining over 20 different potent ingredients in one product. This is not only convenient, but also easy on your wallet. Just think about how expensive it would be to buy all of these ingredients separately. Not to mention the space you would have to reserve on the shelves of your pantry and refrigerator!

And that’s not all.

What makes Medical Mary extra special is each serving also includes 10 MG of mood-enhancing CBD.  Scientists are discovering many health benefits associated with CBD, including mood enhancement. That’s why we like to say we offer the only Superfood that puts you in a Super Mood.

So what are some of the key ingredients of Medical Mary Superfood?

1. The legendary noni fruit from the balmy isles of Polynesia.

2. The purple acai berry from South America, eaten by those in the know for superior cognitive function.

3. Spirulina algae, which thrives near cool alkaline lakes and towering volcanoes, prized for its antioxidant support and possible help with blood sugar regulation.

4. Beet juice powder for robust nitric oxide production, essential for energy, sexual health, and circulation.

5. An assortment of live, gut-friendly probiotics and enzymes for optimized digestion.

6. A cornucopia of organic fruits and vegetable such as broccoli, blueberry, carrot, and spinach for healthy immune system function.

7. Our potent, world-famous Isolate CBD for mood, pain relief, and more.  

We all know that solid nutrition is the basis for health. But it’s also true that it’s not always easy to make sure you’re eating everything you need to avoid nutritional deficit problems. Did you know that a third of Americans are at risk for at least one vitamin deficiency? Taking one serving of Medical Mary Superfood, along with a commitment healthful diet, can help you ensure that you’re meeting your nutritional needs every day.

This is a product you really owe yourself to try. So be good to yourself and buy a can today!